How was Iphicles related to Heracles?Ĭonfusingly, Iphicles was both the twin brother and half-brother of Heracles. He was worshipped as a hero in the Peloponnese. Iphicles was killed fighting either the sons of Hippocoon or the Molionidae. Though not as impressive as his godlike half-brother, Iphicles was a hero in his own right, taking part in the Calydonian Boar Hunt and accompanying Heracles on a handful of his exploits.
Together they had a son, Iolaus, who helped Heracles through most of his adventures. Iphicles married Automedusa, the daughter of Alcathous. Despite having different fathers, the two heroes were considered twins, conceived on the same night. Iphicles was the son of Alcmene and Amphitryon and thus the half-brother of Heracles.